
Future Media: the process where many different forms of media* become one via emerging technology

Lauren deLisa Coleman is at the forefront of helping to define and design this exciting, new space.

Future Media architect, author, speaker, and entrepreneur; Lauren is an expert at deciphering and forecasting power trends, innovation, and public sentiment within the intersection of popular culture & emerging tech - Artificial Intelligence, 5G, Web 3 - and the impact of such on business and governance - with a unique focus on Millennials+ as well as diverse demographics. She helps brands and politicos understand how to create messaging and content that better resonates with today’s tech-savvy, pop culture Millennials consumers/constituents and influential demographics of color by providing forecast & insight into cultural trends, attitudes, and behavior as it all intersects with emerging tech usage, that is, Future Media.

Through the lens of what she calls "the rise of the leaderful"; a cultural shift exemplified by a new spirit of increased individual empowerment via a decentralized, networked, Future-Media driven era, she provides a unique voice as a visionary. Her work is based on her team's micro-sociology research, her books "Rise of the Smartpower Class"(Amazon Best: "New Media Studies"), and the 2016 update of that book, "America's Most Wanted: The Millennial”, and via her background as a successful, international digital entrepreneur previously collaborating with clients from Snoop Dogg to Microsoft leveraging content strategy, pop culture trends, and technology through her previous startup, Punch Media Group as well as an MTV Networks vet.

Lauren has written and continues to write for numerous media outlets on emerging tech and popular culture such as Forbes, Daily Beast, cnbc.com, The Next Web, Business Insider, Moguldom, allhiphop.comand Campaigns & Elections, and more. She is also a guest commentator on MSNBC, among other media outlets.

She is the current founder of Lnk Agency, a diversified concept marketing and media production company fostering innovation in marketing and communications strategy with ventures integrating music, film, post-cable television, technology, politics for the new GenZ/Millennial tech class and DEI initiatives and counts as its clients companies from WarnerMedia (now WarnerMedia Discovery) to Microsoft.

A massive proponent of supporting the new majority in the powerful realm of Future Media, Lauren also recently launched an innovative non-profit and movement entitled GameChange to ensure that this new area is inclusive of a variety of top minds.

She is at work on a new AI-driven media company, and speaks professionally on the above via Leading Authorities agency.

Lauren is an alum of Columbia University and is currently pursuing study at Harvard Business School.

*media = any form of communication channel

Additional Background

An entrepreneur with 14 years of experience, Lauren is the founder emeritus of Punch Media Group an edgy digital content development and strategy consulting company with offices in both the U.S. and Europe that specialized in reaching 18-34 across mobile phone/emerging tech platforms. The PMG corporate mission was achieved in helping businesses cultivate profitable ideas and strategy utilizing mobile/emerging technology and integrating that into their existing business. Under her relentless guidance and her ability to sense cultural cues early on, the company created a track record of successful account management, data analysis, relationship management and metrics achievement via mobile phone application development, QR tags, mobile commerce and more. Lauren succeeded in creating a leading company specializing in reaching the biggest and most frequent user of mobile/emerging tech today: hip, diverse demographics; and worked with notables from Microsoft to Snoop Dogg and has even been the force behind client revenue increase of up to 87% within a specific category. Prior to starting Punch Media Group, she was employed at Viacom/MTV Networks tapping into trends early in order to connect with influencers across the world.

Lauren has contributed to such media outlets as Daily Beast, cnbc.com, The Next Web, Business Insider, and Campaigns & Elections. She is also a guest commentator on MSNBC, among other media outlets. She is a columnist at Inc and a contributor at Forbes.com.

She has been featured as guest lecturer at Columbia University and moderated a number of panel discussions both in the U.S. and abroad.

Lauren is on the advisory council of the Barnard College Entrepreneur Group. She has been a participant of the Mobile Marketing Association's Global Smarties Council to select the best in mobile marketing creativity and effectiveness. In addition, Lauren is also an ambassador for the European Commission's new Futurium tech platform which crowdsources thought to better determine public sentiment.


Lauren recently produced and hosted a powerful event on "Emerging Tech & Entertainment" View the multimedia recap here: